Merging general merchandise with grocery
Walmart's online grocery business developed separately from the general merchandise site. Our challenge was to develop an experience where groceries and general merchandise live together, and the customer can browse and fulfill both without making sacrifices. I assisted the team by designed visuals and prototypes to illustrate various approaches to the integration. We built out multiple prototypes to cover the possible combinations of customer insight with grocery-centric features.
Variations and use cases
We need to account for several customer eligibility scenarios based on their location. Geo-sniffing their location correctly, geo-sniffing incorrectly, Geo-sniffing failure, entering an eligible ZIP code, entering an ineligible ZIP code; each of these scenarios had to play out nicely.
Above, we highlight the grocery department in a search suggestion, fail to sniff customer location, then ask and receive an eligible ZIP code and format the shelf with grocery features. Each UI component of the journey was explored and tested. Here, the page sub-headers needed to allow easy filtering of grocery eligible items and access back to full, unfiltered results.
Complexities in fulfillment
With a cart mixed with groceries and general merchandise, we had to simplify the experience through the checkout process as well. A cart of mixed items was automatically grouped for grocery or general merchandise fulfillment, giving the customer the ability to toggle between the two.
Further into the first step of checkout, we allow customers to decide when and where they'll pick up, as well as their shipping options. Considerations were made for customers who changed their pickup location to a store where certain items are unavailable; we surface that information while they make their store selection.
Special thanks to each brilliant mind on our Walmart Stores team. This work is the result of hard work and great collaboration.